Dienstag, 19. Juni 2012

I see you

I see you like you are meant.
I feel you like you`d be a piece of my heart.
I understand you, there are no words needed.
I treasure you like the most precious thing on earth.

Can two be one?
our hearts beat commonly.
our souls get lost in each other
to find themselfs again as a whole.

security, safety, intimacy, togetherness,
love, peace and laughter are my very gifts for you. 


Sonntag, 17. Oktober 2010

too or not too?

trembling, waiting, hiding, hypering, exploding.
life is intensiv.
desert, emptyness, deep abyss, wide see, concrete.
life is raw.
claiming, fast, ruthless, bare, devouring.
life is life!

Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010

wo ist...

Erstrebenswerte zweisamkeit,
besiegt die einsamkeit.
Gemeinsam gehen ist leichter.

Trockne deine Tränen, steh auf.
Weiter, wir gehen weiter.
Sind gemeinsam einsam.

Wer teilt hat mehr.
Zeit teilen hilft heilen.
Es ist doch nicht so schwer!

Samstag, 16. Januar 2010

it`s how we lived

worthwile life
leave behind a peace of your own?
worthwile life
leave behind people who love you?
worthwile life
leave behind the impression of satisfaction?

simple, modest and true was he.
satisfied with what he had.
he did not leave a heritage, material or intellectual.
he left the way he was and led his life.

observing myself, i only realize what he left to me.
not to take things to hard.
not to hurry up without any reason.
to do things the right way or not at all.
to be proud of what you are.
to value people sharing life with you.
to be there for your beloved ones.
not to be impressed by surfaces.
not to bind your heart on material things.

good was i blessed to be his daughter. thank you!

Montag, 14. September 2009

how to...

no difference

changes starts in the roots
find them...
go and find them!

i hate to get help
just hate it!

how to....
wanna get further.
it`s so damn annoying to run on spot.
so fucking annoying!

rebirth is welcome, but how to die before?

Dienstag, 17. März 2009

your vision

life is all about experiences!
we are here to experience what ever we decide to.

that for we can use our mind,
creating new situations,
meeting people that help us to expirience what we want.

what do you want to experience?
there is no need to suffer,
no need for envy or grief.
what do you want to experience?

decide, think, speak, make, realize!